
Here are all the projects that I have done and can talk about.

OPG Paić


Website for a family run olive oil production farm. Built with a custom made PHP framework.



Booking system web application made with Laravel, TailwindCSS, Alpine.js and Laravel Livewire.



Webshop for a nail salon and nail care products made with Laravel. Uses self made sponsorware laravel packages.

Quad Murter Kornati


Rent a Quad in Murter website made with vanilla PHP and Composer with no other dependencies.

Modern Rent a Jet Ski in Murter website made with vanilla PHP and Composer with no other dependencies.

Meling Gradnja


Website for a construction company made with Laravel. Uses self made sponsorware laravel packages.



Company website/blog made with Laravel. Design adapted from a Ghost blog template. Uses self made sponsorware blog laravel package.

Stay in Adriatic


Accommodation booking website made with Laravel and integrated with an external booking system Rentl.io.

Simple one-page company website for a butcher shop made with Laravel.

Company website for booking private transfers made with Laravel.



Simple company website for a bookkeeping business made with HTML, CSS and PHP.

Dragan Bašić


Personal website/portfolio for house construction made with Grav CMS.

Go Visit


Company website for a software company made with Laravel.

Shipyard "Ćiro"


Company website for shipyard Ćiro made with Grav CMS.

Apartments "Milina"


Apartment booking website made with Laravel.

Car service company website made with Laravel.



Tourist information portal, API and android/ios mobile application made with Laravel and React-native.

Adriatica Consult


Business consulting company one-page website made with Laravel.

Real estate agency website made with Laravel.

Studio "Renata"


Hair salon company one-page website made with Laravel.

Apartments "Kornat"


Apartment booking website made with Laravel.

Apartments "Slanica"


Apartment booking website made with Laravel.

G.I.M. Gase


Web application made with Laravel and React.js for fire-extinguisher repair and business intelligence.

Villa "Moj San"


Apartment booking website made with OctoberCMS.

Company website for dance lessons and dance shows made with Laravel.

Hotel "Murter"


Company website for a hotel in Murter made with Laravel. Integrated external service Rentlio for room bookings.

Real estate agency website made with Laravel. Integrated external service Crozilla for property marketing.

Webshop for a woodworking company in Murter made with Laravel.

Real estate agency website made with Laravel. Integrated external service iRealOne for property management.

Company website for a tourist agency made with Laravel. Consists of two Laravel applications: one API/CMS and one Website.



Business web application for printing virmans for a bookkeeping company made with Laravel.

Villa "Renata"


Apartment renting website made with Joomla.

Attorney at law website made with Joomla.

©️ Mario Bašić 2011-2025. All rights reserved. Built with Scala and Tailwind CSS.